Words by Flora
2 mins
At the end of last year we launched our brand new loyalty scheme and exclusive Black Label Range. If you weren’t aware, the Black Label Range is only available to our Emerald loyalty scheme members, or those who have ordered 10 or more subscription orders with us. The range has been carefully curated to include a selection of luxury British cuts and catches.
Here’s a closer look at one particular Black Label cut that we are very excited about (for both sustainability and taste reasons)…
Gigha Halibut
Gigha Halibut is the only Halibut Farm in the UK. Based on the Isle of Gigha in Scotland and surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the team use land-based tanks that are pumped with surrounding salt water. Multiple processes are in place to ensure there is no detrimental interaction with the surrounding environment, including the use of power produced by the local community and sourcing sustainable ingredients for the fish feed.
The Marine Conservations Society ranks wild halibut as one of the least sustainable fish to consume. The species are heavily overfished and have even been listed as an Endangered Species. Wild halibut can also contain high levels of mercury which make them potentially dangerous for humans to consume in large amounts.
In contrast to this, farmed halibut is rated one of the most sustainable fish to consume. The Marine Conservation Society specifically mentions the Scottish production of farmed halibut that we sell as the most sustainable choice. This is because they use closed, shore-based production systems and ensure that the halibut feed is sourced sustainably.
Gigha Halibut have also implemented practices that ensure the welfare of their halibut is kept to a high standard. They keep densities of fish low to avoid contamination and disease within the farm, reducing or eliminating the need to use medication.
We are delighted to be stocking not one, but two products from Gigha Halibut exclusively to our Black Label range.
Gigha Halibut Loin Fillets
Gigha Halibut is an exceptional tasting fish. It has a firm and almost meaty in texture, which is delicious when gently oven-roasted or pan-fried. The sweet and mild flavour pairs well with crisp samphire, a squeeze of lemon juice and buttery new potatoes.
Oak Smoked Gigha Halibut
Our Oak Smoked Gigha Halibut is smoked to order to ensure exceptional flavour. After careful selection and harvesting, the halibut is cured and rested for 24 hours. After resting, the fillets are traditionally oak smoked using chips from whiskey barrels (located from the Kilchoman Distillery, on the nearby island of Islay). The traditional process brings with it a truly unique flavour – rich, full-bodied, and the perfect partner to the delicate flavour of Halibut. This thinly sliced smoked halibut is best enjoyed with a little lemon and it makes a simple yet delicious palette cleanser and appetiser.
Although you’ll only be able to view this range on our website when you become an Emerald Member, this is certainly a catch worth trying when you can!
Note: Our Black Label range is now known as our Member Exclusive range and our loyalty tiers are New Member (2-4 boxes), Super Member (5-9 boxes) and Club Member (10+ boxes).
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