Words by James M
2 mins
We’re really pleased to announce that we are crowdfunding! We are looking for investors to join the Field & Flower family and become shareholders in our award-winning business. It’s a really exciting time and we would love for you to join us. Here’s what you need to know about our crowdfunding campaign…
When? We have officially launched our campaign today!
Why? We want to raise £750,000.
We will use this investment to:
1. Let more people know about Field & Flower
We want more people to hear about what we do at Field & Flower. If we achieve our funding goal we will be able to invest in new marketing initiatives such as refer a friend incentive schemes and expand our direct marketing team.
2. To support British farmers
Our ambition on founding the business was to support British farmers like John Flower (James Flower’s dad). Investment will help us to continue to grow and invest in Britain’s best free range farmers, continue to pay a fair price and build long term relationships.
3. Launch our customer friendly mobile app
This is something we have wanted to do for a really long time. With your investment we’ll be able to make our deliveries really easy to manage. You’ll be able to choose your meat and schedule your deliveries on the go.
What are the benefits of being a Field & Flower investor?
We anticipate that our investors will receive a great return on their investment. For full details on our projections and financial data please see our Crowdcube page. We are also EIS approved so tax relief is an option for our investors. As well as owning a part of Field & Flower, our investors will also be supporting fantastic British farmers by investing in a sustainable food chain.
How do I invest?
All you need to do to invest is create an account on Crowdcube and head over to our pitch page. You can invest as little as £10!
For more information on investing please watch our crowdfunding video, or read more on our Crowdcube page.
*Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital, please remember to #InvestAware. See Crowdcube’s terms and conditions for more information.
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