Fire up those coals or stick the griddle on and get your friends round! Build your own posh hot dogs with this quick and easy recipe on the BBQ.
25 mins
• 6x Field & Flower farmhouse pork sausages
• 1 baguette
• 2 red onions, peeled and sliced
• Olive oil
• Butter
1. Get the BBQ going or stick a griddle pan on a high heat.
2. Make a little parcel using some doubled over tin foil, folding up the edges so that nothing escapes.
3. Fill the parcel with red onions and a good drizzle of olive oil.
4. Place on the BBQ or griddle, in an area with medium heat; stir occasionally until soft.
5. Prick the sausages and place on the heat. Turn frequently to stop too much charring.
6. Whilst they are cooking, slice and butter the baguette.
7. Once the sausages are cooked through and the onions are soft, fill the baguettes. Why not try topping with Spicy Tomato & Carmelised Onion Chutney, Wholegrain Mustard or some Gould’s Farmhouse Cheddar.
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