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Hot smoked salmon & ricotta pasta

Super simple and super Somerset our hot smoked salmon and ricotta pasta will leave you wanting more. The word ‘ricotta’ means re-cooked, so in this dish, we are using a by-product of cheddar and pairing it with our hot smoked salmon, smoked by Jes and Charlie at Brown and Forrest Smokery in Somerset.

A classic meal, our hot smoked salmon and ricotta pasta is great for those quick weeknight dinners. Requiring few ingredients, this simple yet tasty meal is full of flavour.


20 mins






• Field & Flower Hot Smoked Salmon
• Field & Flower Westcombe Somerset Ricotta (250g)
• 400g pasta
• Handful basil, chopped
• Jar of sundried tomatoes
• Lemon zest, finely grated
• Handful of parsley, sprinkle


1. First, cook your pasta to al dente. Then drain, sparing a large cup of pasta water.

2. Tip your cooked pasta into a large frying pan and add a pot of our Westcombe Ricotta and a generous splash of the pasta water.

3. Flake the hot smoked salmon, chop the fresh basil and sundried tomatoes and stir into your pasta. Cook for a further 3-4 minutes.

4. Season generously and finish by grating over the zest of a lemon and a sprinkling of parsley and serve.