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Gurt wings crispy oven baked wings

Our friends at Gurt Wings, a Bristol based wing-loving company, developed this recipe with just 5 simple ingredients. Ideal for cooking at home, this recipe is as close as you’ll get to crispy deep-fried wings (without the need for a deep fat fryer). You can buy their signature Gurt Buffalo Sauce used in this recipe here. We partnered with Wing Fest to bring you this incredibly moreish recipe from the comfort of your own home.


1 hour 30 mins






• 1kg Field & Flower Chicken Wings
• 1 tbsp baking powder
• 0.5-1 tsp salt
• Oil spray
• Gurt Buffalo Sauce or Gurt Locker Sauce


1. Lay your wings on a rack on a rimmed baking tray or grill pan and let them dry in the fridge overnight (or just pat dry with paper towels).

2. Preheat the oven to 120C. Put one oven shelf in the lower part of the oven and one in the top part.

3. Place the wings in a large sandwich type bag. Add the baking powder and salt, twist close and then shake the bag making sure the wings are coated evenly.

4. Line the tray with foil (dull side up). Spray the rack with a spray oil of your choice and then place it on the baking tray. Always place the wings skin side up on the rack. Bake on the lowest shelf in the oven for 30 minutes at 120C.

5. After 30 minutes, move the tray up to the shelf in the top part of the oven and increase the temperature to 220C. Bake for a further 40-50 minutes, rotating the tray halfway through. Note that the wings do not need to be turned over. Once the wings look dark golden brown and the skin is super crispy, they are ready to be served.

6. Toss in Gurt Buffalo or Gurt Locker Sauce and serve immediately.