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Five health benefits of grass fed beef

Words by Rachel

15 June 2017 | 

2 mins

Our grass fed beef
All our beef, from our Burgers to our Sirloin Steaks, comes from grass fed cattle reared by us and trusted local farmers. Our high standards of animal welfare and traditional farming methods mean our beef is premium quality. Not only does our meat taste the best, but it’s good for you too.

Our beef farmers
We source our beef from west country farms, including our very own Home Farm. Brother and sister James and Claire Flower manage the day to day running of Home Farm, with help from Molly the cowdog. They take pride in using traditional agricultural methods passed down to them from four generations of farmers. The breed of cattle they rear are Hereford and Aberdeen Angus, which are reared slowly and naturally on a grass and forage-fed diet. The other farms we source our beef from all follow the same practises used at Home Farm, with the focus primarily on the welfare of their cows.

Nutritional benefits of grass fed beef
What a beef animal eats has a direct affect on the quality, leanness and nutrition density of its meat. Cows are naturally grass-eating vegetarians so we work really hard to ensure we provide beef from cattle that have enjoyed a completely natural diet. There are a huge amount of health benefits to be gained from eating beef of this quality.

1. Extra Omega-3
Grass fed beef contains as much as three times more Omega-3 (good fats found in oily fish) than grain fed beef. This aids prevention of depression and cancer, whilst lowering blood pressure.

2. More CLA
CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) is 300%-400% higher in grass fed cuts. This is a nutrient associated with lowering heart disease and cancer risk, as well as reducing body fat and maintaining lean body mass.

3. Lots of vitamins
Grass fed beef is rich in Vitamin A and E, which help strengthen the immune system and maintain healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin E is actually four times higher in our meat than grain fed.

4. Healthy fats
Grain fed beef is higher in overall fat and in artery-clogging saturated fat than grass fed. This helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

5. Added antioxidants
There are plenty of antioxidants to take advantage of too. Our meat is jam-packed with carotenoids such as beta-carotene which are sourced from the pigments in the greens that the animals eat.

We rear exclusively grass fed animals as it’s the most ethical and sustainable way. It may take longer and cost us more, but we think it’s worth it. This way we can ensure our animals lead a happy life and that our meat is of the highest quality. It’s much more beneficial to the environment, too. Rotating the animals through different pastures means we’re able to preserve native biodiversity, improve soil fertility and eliminate the waste-management issues associated with confined cattle sheds.